Ansice IP cameras RTSP set up, what are the cameras RTSP URL?


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This video shows how to set the XM series RTSP URL for VLC

1.This is suitable for XM series IP cameras
The URL is:
rtsp:// this camera IP
:554 is the RTSP ports , it can changed by the camera setting
user=admin this is the user name
password= , this the password , no password here ,please let it blank
channel=1 this means channel 1, when you device is NVR, you can set the other channel
stream=0.sdp? 0 means main stream
stream=1.sdp? 1 means sub video stream
2.This is for AJ series RTSP setting:

The AJ IP camera RTSP URL(if the IPC IP is192.168.0.123):

Main video stream:rtsp://admin:123456@

Sub video stream:rtsp://admin:123456@

This two RTSP URL including all video and audio

If you only need video or only need the audio, the URL:

Main stream only video:rtsp://admin:123456@

Sub stream only video:rtsp://admin:123456@

Only audio:rtsp://admin:123456@

3. This is suitable for RS series setting

Main video stream URL  rtsp://IP:Port/live/0/MAIN

Sub video stream URL rtsp://IP:Port/live/0/SUB

The RTSP Port is 554 here

4. This is suitable for HS series setting

URL main:
rtsp:// camera IP:554/stream1

rtsp://camera IP:554/stream2


This is suitable for some other RTSP setting

URL format

rtsp://[IP]:(port)/live/[channel]/[stream_ type]


IP: IP address or domain name of the device

Port: the default value is 554. If the RTSP port of the device is changed to another port, this field should be consistent with the device.

Channel: channel number. (IPC defaults to 0, NVR / DVR starts from 1)

stream_ Type: code stream type, main code stream and sub code stream.


The main stream of camera with IP is as follows:

rtsp:// : 554 / Live / 0 / main

Main stream of NVR channel 3 with IP

rtsp:// : 554 / Live / 3 / main


The most common RTSP stream preview tool is VLC.

Open the VLC player, click [media] --- [open network stream] and input the RTSP stream address in the pop-up window. If the connection is normal, you can see the picture of the device.

In addition to VLC tools, other clients and video recorders that support RTSP streaming can capture the images of cameras and video recorders by RTSP streaming.

Note: if the device has a password, please add password verification in the RTSP link.

rtsp://user:password@IP :port/live/0/main

For example, open the RTSP stream with IP address, account admin and password admin123.

rtsp://admin:admin123@ :554/live/0/main

The full range of IPC supports RTSP function, and some DVR / NVR devices do not support RTSP. Please consult the technical personnel for details.

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